Saturday, April 26, 2008

A First Post

It seems an ultimate indulgence ... a blog post about blogging. Generally I would turn my nose up at movies about the film industry, books about writing, songs about songwriting etc. I'd consider it incestuous ... and just plain unimaginative.

But, a blog needs an introduction. The first blog post from a start-up blogger needs a fanfare! - Perhaps I will dispense with the fanfare and just explain my reasons for adding yet another Web Log of personal outpourings to the blogosphere on the internet map.

At first I considered the concept of blogging an incidental aside, interesting as a diversion but perhaps not all that productive to focus any lengthy attention on. Slowly however, I started reading friends and strangers blogs, not religiously but ever more frequently. People blogged about their personal lives, their spiritual journeys, their opinions on topics of general or specific interest ... and a lot of it generated much discussion, a lot of it was well written and insightful. The stuff I kept reading led me along interesting debates and new avenues of thought. Eventually I found the courage to comment on a blog, to put my opinion out there in writing for all to see and critique. And not long after that first foray into blog commenting I started to consider whether I should just go ahead and keep up a blog of my own.

I like writing. I like expressing my ideas and opinions on a wide range of topics but among strangers, indeed among any but my closest friends, I have a tendency to keep my opinions to myself. This in itself makes blogging at once a frightening and liberating prospect. It involves expressing closely held opinions and beliefs to strangers across the globe but at the same time those strangers can engage with my ideas more swiftly and easily, from any corner of the earth, and the discussion that ensues might lead to new insight and understanding for all.

In deciding to call the blog "Question of Motion" I think I encompassed many of my interests and passions in life as well as giving an idea of what I think/hope this blog will end up being about. I have been a dancer for as long as I can remember. I have done many different forms of dancing and in each I experienced a new paradigm, a new part of my soul. Movement and using it as a form of expression has shaped my personal and spiritual growth. I am also keenly interested in heavenly motions. I am studying astrophysics and on a daily basis I find myself further and further entranced by the study of our universe.We live in a remarkable place. All of this however, and much more, revolves around questioning ourselves and the world around us. If we are to express ourselves honestly (in writing, painting, drawing, dancing, singing etc) or search for the truth about God, the Universe or just Life then we must question. We should be as curious as children.

If you have any doubts about the virtue of questions I'll merely suggest you find yourself a copy of "Mister God This is Anna" by Fynn. I can't find quote by Anna I was going to leave you with, about the importance questions, because I picked up the book only to realise it was time to read it from cover to cover again ...